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美声声乐工作室宣布将于 2017 年 6 月在哥本哈根举办新的三小时大师班。该大师班将由 K E Querns Langley 授课,并向所有古典歌手开放。这是一个绝佳的机会,最多六名学生可以通过试镜被选中在大师班中唱歌。每个学生需要为 30 分钟的公开大师班准备 2 首曲目,但一首完整的美声咏叹调可能比较合适。这些作品应该是古典的,与美声唱法时期相关,并且应该表达歌手的声乐技巧、诠释和指南针。
An accompanist will be provided however you may bring your own. You may audition by filling out the registration form and emailing your CV, a video or recording of your choice of at least a single piece from the 18th or 19th centuries, and the reason why you think you should be chosen for the master class. Singers may be chosen on the recording alone however there is the possibility that you will be asked to sing in person before the master class.
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